Is It Dead Yet?

I've noticed that I'm down to 2 or 3 consistent readers. Don't get me wrong, I value my readers, but it seems like nobody really has the time or interest in blogging any more. Is it a passe fade, fading into the distance? I guess I'll keep doing it as long as it pleases me and worry about the rest of the world later. So, don't be disappointed if I'm less consistent than I used to be. I'll get around to it.
Yeah Im pretty over it, been feeling like my online life has pretty much died in any meaningful form. Its a shame, I really loved it when the community was swinging, but life gets in the way eventually and 'real' life takes over. You never know, it could rise up again one day but for now we can chat on the phone!
Lotsa love. xxx
I'm in a "slow down" for me. But I'm still here!
I like to read your blog. I do actually have a blog too but it is lame and no-one reads it :)
I've noticed that everyone seems to be slowing down. I'm in Jade's camp too. Not sure why. There's still things that I write, but less and less are they made public. But I'm always reading, if not every day then every other day. So your consistency is appreciated.
So I guess I keep plodding along. :-)
becky - didn't know that, where is it, I'll read it.
Don't say I didn't warn you :)
omg i've been so crap i apparenly only read like once every couple of weeks :(
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