Friday, April 10, 2009

A Little Fuzzy

So, let's see if I understand this holiday correctly. If I take some fresh eggs and hard-boil them, then use wax and food coloring to add bight color patterns to the shells, set them in a bed of plastic grass with some chocolate, and then seal them in a cave or bury them, in three days they come back as chickens?

And how does the giant bunny figure into it? Is he somehow responsible? Or is he just a side effect from oxygen deprivation and sugar?

(scratches head, shrugs)



Blogger elizabeth said...

I don't think you understand it at all! The egg is a symbol of new life. A long time ago, people weren't supposed to eat eggs during lent, so they would have saved up quite a store by Easter, and hard-boiling would make them last longer. Then at Easter they had a bunch of eggs to eat quickly before they went bad. So they would give them away. And I guess the natural progression is to decorate the eggs before giving them away. Hence decorated eggs at Easter. These days we use chocolate eggs (far yummier). The Easter bunny is a by-product, like Santa at Christmas, not really part of the underlying meaning. At least, that's how I understand it!

2:30 AM  

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