Thursday, March 02, 2006

Web Citizen

I'm weird, I have the Blogthing to prove it. "You Are 50% Weird. Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it!"
So the people who are geographically close are usually very distant socially. Now there are blogs. People blog about food and pets and stuff, but once in a while I run across a person who just lays it out there. People who have their own angst and problems, but they're honest about it. Unafraid. People I can understand. And reading their blogs has given me the chance to find out what kind of people they are before I make an ass of myself. So, I'm meeting new, interesting people and getting a refresher course in being social.
It doesn't cost me anything to be nice to people, and the web lets me connect with people I can understand no matter where they are.
The pens have taken flight.


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