Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Where Was I?

I had an idea for a post but it seems most of the really good thoughts wandered out of my head while I was asleep. That happens sometimes.
Anyway, the theme behind it was about how much stuff we all put on blogs about ourselves and our non-blog lives. We can't put too much factual stuff because there are a few cyber-stalker types out there, not many, but it only takes one you know?
Then I got to thinking about how much different people put out there. Some of them are pretty courageous about sharing their deepest thoughts and fears. I seem to put less of that sort of stuff on mine. Which made me wonder if I ever censor myself out of some sort of embarassment or fear of exposure or anything. Hmmmm. I probably have here and there. But when I really thought about it, I finally realized that I don't write much about my 'other' life because (truth be told) it's really not that interesting. Kind of why I hang out here and read other people's blogs.

Friends - yup. None of them are hilarious circus clowns or anything.
Family - them too. But they don't live near, I don't go there much. About average in disfunction.
Hobbies - yeah, but most people don't understand, so I kinda keep them to myself.
Rarely watch hip, trendy TV shows. Haven't read The Davinci Code or A Million Little Pieces.
Have to work at puzzling out l33t speak or chat-talk or whatever the hell they're calling it now.
No Myspace account. Don't text message. No cell phone. Yeah, I do have a PDA, but it's low end.
See, I'm not even sure what other things are trendy enough for me to list as things I don't do.
So, if you read this, don't feel like I'm keeping secrets from you, I can't think of much worth volunteering. So if anybody wants to know anything, you'll have to ask because it probably won't occur to me without a little prodding.

Hope this wasn't too boring. (Big Grin)


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