Thursday, April 24, 2008

I Know Nothing

So this morning, that woman called. (yes that one) And she tells me "a bunch of us" are going somewhere this evening and would I like to go? So I agree. (oh, she also made mention of the fact that she was on her way to work and got stuck waiting for a train so she called me - don't know if that means something)

So I go and it's okay. I meet a few more of her friends, they seem okay. I have little contact with her. I have no idea if I'm being run past them for aproval or if I'm being included in that group. And I have a feeling I'm not going to know even if I asked outright because she either isn't sure herself or isn't about to risk telling me.

Guys don't like things to be fuzzy, nebulous, or incomlpete. If a light switch isn't on or off, it might be broken. So I'm going to volutarily file myself in the "just friends" category until somebody tells me otherwise. I don't mean subtle sort of half hints that might mean something if only I were intuitive enough to puzzle them out. There's territory in the "nothing more than friends" camp that's mine now, I've planted the flag and I'm staying here until I recieve clear and direct orders to move. In either direction.

I clearly don't have the skills it takes to figure this out and I've reached an age where I won't play teenage dating games. It all rolls downhill and any 'moves' are up to her now.

Maybe I should start digging a trench.


Blogger Ross F. said...

I hear you loud and clear. People have imperfect ways of communicating, varying ways; going along with that are the varying and imperfect ways we perceive things, or rather, the imperfect ways in which we are unable to perceive things. To me it is a confusing dance, one that I don't know the steps to, nor can I follow.

4:29 PM  
Blogger pitfinder said...

And women, at least in this country, aren't making it any easier. I see a lot of saying one thing and doing another.

"Why can't I find a good guy?"

Because they aren't looking for one. Whether that's intentional, I don't know.

I, for one, am happy to be on the sidelines. I can do a lot of other constructive things with my time and energy.

5:42 PM  
Blogger gothcat said...

from recent experiences of my own,even if you do ask outright,sometimes they wont say anything at all or say,'this is a face to face conversation but heck im busy'or say weird floaty things that dont end it but keep you there for when they are ready for you.Stuff that.
I think you are doing the right thing ,and where can I get one of those flags?
Are they at kmart?
I sympathise deeply on this subject,stay strong and stick to your guns pitfinder,if she wanted you like she should,then wild horses wouldnt stop her from showing you in no uncertain terms how she

10:10 PM  
Blogger pitfinder said...

Thank you. That's how I looked at it.

I'll look into the flag thing. :-)

11:49 PM  
Blogger earthkissed said...

I think you're doing the right thing too. Why do people keep playing games with each other like that? Humans are weird

7:36 AM  
Blogger pitfinder said...

Humans ARE weird.

8:19 AM  

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