Sunday, June 08, 2008

No Secret

For anybody who hasn't gotten embarassed by all the hugs and kisses around here and is still reading, here's what you want to know.
I find myself telling my analog friends things that sound like I'm going forward with care so they won't think I'm rushing headlong into something they don't understand. They look out for me, I appreciate it. But the real truth about me and Gothcat is, this is a done deal. I have a lot of logistical stuff to wade through, but one of these days I'm going to be blogging from Down Under.
It's a complicated thing to move your life around a planet, but if it came down to that fine line in the sand and I had to just chuck it all an go, I would. She would never want me to feel like I had to make that kind of choice, which is exactly why I'd do it. I don't think it will come to that, it's the intent that matters.
So, we'll try to keep you all informed as this goes along because that's what friends do. Anytime there's anything like a party happening we'll let you know, even if you can't be there. There's this massive electrical thing between us with enough stray voltage to share with all the people we care about.

If any of your are ever feeling down, don't quit, don't give up on happiness. It's out there somewhere, you just have to choose to see it.


Blogger Kari. said...

Dear Pitfinder

Congratulations! Go as fast as you can to pursue love and good fortune. I wish you all the best and hope that it turns out even better than you and Gothcat imagine.

I see happiness every day and think that I am lucky in that aspect. The appreciation for small things sometimes becomes lost in the to and fro of everyday life and that is when people get down. The post was bleak, but you know that isn't who I am.

Maybe my life is to be a Roberto Benigni mini-film where the girl continues to love everything and everybody without fear of rejection or hurt, because she knows that without being her goofy, shiny self, she will never experience the full life that she wants. Benigni movies always have a happy ending, and mine will, too.

4:30 PM  
Blogger Rach said...


and hurrah for sating curiosity :D

7:53 PM  
Blogger gothcat said...

You voiced that so perfectly,you said It just the right way.I can wait with patience because just to know that you exist ,is almost a lifetime of sustenance on its own.

Its a huge job at your end,and at mine,only a few adjustments in happy preparation.But you are going to love the weather, and the chicks are gorgeous!lol

2:06 AM  

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