Sunday, March 08, 2009


So we still do Daylight STUPID Time, but now we don't even do it when the rest of the world does. I really hate it when the pukes in the government do stuff to try and look busy and concerned when we all know they're just covering their own asses. Oh, and they tell us it's for our own good.



Blogger earthkissed said...

I hate daylight savings!!! There's a big push to bring it to South East Queensland, and I swear, I'm moving back to FNQ (Far North Queensland) if they do! Because it SUX SUX SUX. It makes no sense at all! *end rant*

11:45 PM  
Blogger Rach said...

Theres a big push?
I mean, i occasionally hear people talk about it in a positive fashion, and think, silly people....
That makes me a sad panda :(
I hate dst :(

12:21 AM  

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