Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weirdness Magnet

When I got out of the truck at the hardware store, it sounded like something was stuck in the vent of the building next door. Didn't think too much about it. The when I got to the next place I was going, I swore the truck meowed twice after I got out. Strange. Didn't do it again, even though we looked for the source. After a while it happened and we could hear it from across the street. So We look again. Nothing. I call somebody small enough to get under the thing to look, and there turns out to be a little cat hiding up between the frame and the bed box. It's not stuck, but it doesn't want out for anything. Eventually it gets removed with only one minor injury (to a person) and let loose in the bushes.

I think I must be some kind of weirdness magnet. This sort of thing doesn't just happen to normal people.


Blogger Rach said...

awwww, awwwwwwwwwwwww!

7:08 PM  

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