Friday, March 17, 2006

Some Suggestions

Ladies (okay, I'm using the term loosely for the moment) how about clothes that fit you? Maybe not what the pop stars are wearing, no matter how trendy it is. Not every woman is has the same bone structure, couldn't you find a look that works for you?
Please quit with the streaky striped hair that looks like you're wearing parts of three or four wigs that almost match. Intentional stripes (like goth chicks) can be okay, but the I-didn't-have-enough-color-so-I-used-three-that-I-thought-were-the-same look is just annoying.
Please stop pulling out your eyebrows. I see women who must have plucked with the mirror a right in front of their face, and I guess it looked good from that distance, but from more than arm's length it looks like your eyebrows are MIA. It's kind of creepy. And drawing them in someplace where eyebrows would never be isn't any better.
Most women look better with as little cosmetics as possible. Doing a lot of extra stuff just makes you look like you don't think you're good enough the way you are, and it's kind of dishonest in a way. And what's wrong with your natural hair color anyway?
You can take me to task for my lack of fashion sense, my lazy grooming habits, and my ignorance of brand popularity trends, but I don't really care. I'm comfortable with who I am. What about you?


Blogger Jade said... must feel passionately about this to have repeated it so often :-) Don't be so hard on us 'ladies' we're just having fun with our appearance however we see fit. Its all in the eye of the beholder and Im sure theres some guys out there who have fetishes for lacking eyebrows! Personally I like mine bushy but hey...thats the point, different strokes babe.

12:30 AM  

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