Thursday, March 09, 2006

Women's looks.

I have this theory that much of the stuff women do to look better is done because of other women and some kind of competition that doesn't involve us. Guys aren't that hard to please. And we (straight guys) can't tell an $80 dress from an $800 dress. If she looks good in it, we don't care. Women use hair care stuff that's supposed to add vitamins. It's dead tissue. It hasn't been alive since it left your scalp. I think that half the stuff women put on their faces is bad for them, generating the need for the other half of the stuff to make up for it.

I don't pretend to understand most of this. Like the girls who stand in line outside bars for half an hour in the cold without a coat. I guess if you want guys to think you might be stupid enough to go home with strangers, that could work. If you're looking for any kind of long term thing, becoming a human popsicle doesn't exactly garner you a load of respect for your brains.
But then, what do I know.


Blogger Jade said...

There is a theory that if the powers that be, ie; men, keep women in competition with each other and obsessing over trivialities like hair, weight and makeup, then they'll never join forces to overthrow all the balding, fat and ugly men in power...just a theory.

12:38 AM  

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