Monday, September 17, 2007


For some reason I can't explain, I've been taking a more detailed look at the cookies people want to set on my computer. Some of them are pretty good about limiting who it talks to and even have it expire when I close the browser. That's good, I'd be a lot more likely to allow those, esecially on a site I like.

But some of these bozos (clowns) want to just dump some loud mouth piece of crap that lives forever. Well, almost forever. The common expiration date for most of the rude, annoying one seems to be somewhere in 2038. WTF? You think I'll still have this machine in 30 freakin' years? So basically, you want me to host your cookie like some kind of parasite with no prospect for a cure.

I don't think so, folks.

(end rant)


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