Friday, June 19, 2009

Stupid $&#**^% Bastards

So we're trying to come up with a way to get everyone health insurance. Which is basically like trying to buy everyone a Ferrari. I don't care how you cover everyone if a cup of Jello still costs $100. The money still has to come from somewhere. Until the costs go down, none of this crap will fix it. And we seem unable to notice that most of the other civilized nations on the planet have systems that work far better than ours.

And what's the media talking endlessly about? The President swatted a fly. And the nut jobs at PETA (who kill more animals than they save) are getting all the air time they can squeeze out of it.

Stop the planet, I wanna get off.


Blogger earthkissed said...

I laughed when I heard about the fuss PETA were making over the fly... if you get upset about ridiculous things, why would anyone ever take you seriously about anything else? They're just doing themselves a disservice and making themselves a laughing stock.

9:26 PM  

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