Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Iron Giant

This is a movie that always digs in there and finds me where I live.
Yeah, I know it's kind of for kids, but it has stuff anybody can appreciate.

Like when The Iron Giant tells the town, "I am not a gun." No matter how dangerous he might be, he's saying that he has the power to decide his own path and accept resonsibility for himself.

And near the end of the film when the Giant is rocketing towards his own destruction to save the town no matter what they think of him, he remembers Hogarth telling him. "You are who you choose to be." Right before he slams headlong into the nuclear missile he simply says, "Superman."

Too bad more of us don't choose to be Superman on an everyday basis.



Blogger earthkissed said...

Well, one of the funniest things I ever heard, was when two of my fellow medical students, who were some of the most stuck up people I know, were quoting one of the hospitals recent ads which said "we're not heroes, we're just ordinary people, saving lives". I laughed for days. I wish there were more heroes in the world. Really an example of what it would mean in the real world for someone to do what the giant did is the western world waking up and realise the destruction through poverty, disease and famine that is occuring in developing countries, and actually doing something real about it instead of doing something that is akin to giving a million of people in the desert a bucket of water to share (sure it's better than nothing, but not in the end the right solution). Oh dear, who even knew I had that rant in me right now?
Enjoying watching the word count:)

2:57 AM  

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