Thursday, July 06, 2006

TV Stuff

Why do I keep seeing commercials for the power company that has a government permitted monopoly? Like I can choose to go somewhere else? Could you guys quit spending money on commercials and lower the rates?

I actually miss the Lending Tree commercial with the smiling guy who's in debt up to his eyeballs. "Somebody please help me!"

There's one fast food chain that had those ANNOYING commercials with the tooth that kept saying "Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch." I hated those and haven't been in one of their stores since.

Is it too much to ask for the news-heads to get some facts before they go on the air?

Don't try to visit New Jersey for a few more days, it's closed.

Apparantly, our President thinks that the United States has been at war with America for sixty years. Okay, that's not what he meant, but he is in danger of surpassing Dan Quayle.

Still blogging away.


Blogger earthkissed said...

But then there are some GREAT commercials.. I don't know if you get any of the same ones we have here.... but this is one of my favourites...
If I liked beer, I'd drink their beer.

I feel pretty pathetic for having a favourite ad right now.

7:10 AM  
Blogger pitfinder said...

I didn't get to see it. They don't support my operating system. :-(

You'll have to tell me about it so I can make fun of you for liking it. :-)

(not really, because if I start that, I'm the biggest target I know)

11:36 PM  
Blogger earthkissed said...

So hard to explain... :( It's all these guys in choir robes singing as they run across this field like they're in a crusade and going to fight someone "this is a big ad, a really big ad, this is such a big ad, an expensive ad, it better sell some bloody beer" in a choir sounding way... and in the aerial shot of the ad they form this hand with a glass of beer in it that goes up to this mouth formed by some other people and they run down into the stomach and have a big party there.... You really, really have to see and here it...

8:52 AM  

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