Saturday, December 02, 2006


What makes people think that front weheel drive or (worse yet) four wheel drive makes them invincible? I saw a lot of stupid stuff going on today that seems to support this theory.

4WD SUVs stuck in parking lots because they thought they could get out as easily as in.

Others sliding all the way across the street making left turns because it never occured to them to slow the hell down for traction.

I even got to watch one guy try to get his girlfriend's car out of a parking space by standing on the gas. He didn't actually hit the car parked next to it, but he tried mightily.

Are they idiots? Or did a really huge number of people move here from someplace warm this year?


Blogger Suze said...

people get into cars sometimes and it transforms them..they forget who they are...i find this a scary phenomenon to be privvy to.

2:23 AM  

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