Monday, July 02, 2007

Some Holidays

Tomorrow is Compliment Your Mirror Day.

Thursday is Workaholics Day.

Sunday is Video Games Day.

Oh, and the 4th is Independence day here in the U.S.
Fireworks and cookouts all around. Celebrate safely.



Blogger Rach said...

Well, i'm choosing to ignore thursday....

As for sunday - isnt' that every sundaay? no, wait, thats just me (and actually a lot of other ppl, but not everyone)

Cookouts are like bbq's right?
Happy eating and fireworks (ps, do u get to set off ur own fireworks, cause they're illegal in australia)

1:08 AM  
Blogger pitfinder said...

Yeah, except cookouts aren't always meat on the grill. It's any kind of cooked food out doors. (We're weird.)

Fireworks. Welcome to America, it depends on which State you live in. In my State, you can get sparklers, smoke bombs, and weeny stuff like that. The next state over you can buy lots of bigger stuff, but don't get caught bringing it across the State Line. If you get it home, the police will likely ignore your use unless there's a compaint called in.
Sound complicated?

7:42 AM  

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