Sunday, March 19, 2006

Foreign Feedback (Please)

I know there aren't many people reading this blog, but if you see this post please take a couple seconds to read it and maybe post a comment.
I don't want to seem arrogant, I'm just a guy at a keyboard like anybody else, but I understand that I live in a nation that's big, powerful, and capable of significant influence around the world. I take this responsibility very seriously as a citizen and a voter. That said, I'd be very interested in hearing from anybody outside the U.S. about the current state of world affairs and how my country looks from the outside. No, I'm not asking anyone to speak on behalf of their people, just to give honest thoughts and opinions. Are the actions and the policies of the U.S.A. even on your personal radar? Which ones? What do you think?
I'd really like to know. Even if you know of blogs or other resources from other countries that are already talking about this and you just leave a URL or a link, I'd appreciate it.


Blogger Wynwyn said...

What do I think about people in the US? I think that people in the US are great people. It's the environment, the government that has caused their people (under forceful circumstances) to think of themselves before anyone else. It's sad, but it's true. Just look at the people shooting other people. Canada has more immigrants coming in (i.e// Toronto) than the US to make it seem like it's a problem with immigrants (i.e// social disorder because of new groups). So WHAT is it about the US?? The government just needs to stop making the poor people poorer. It's not helping.

1:54 AM  
Blogger pitfinder said...

I'll certainly give you that one. I wish we weren't.
-throw in american dream
I used to think I knew what that was and how to get it.
-throw in successful
Not as many of us as you might think. But I guess those that are can be pretty loud about it.
-prone to bad behavior (these are the same people who thought it was alright to have slaves)Yeah, we do that. Though I can't take on the slave thing personally, since my people didn't come here until about 50 years after the Civil War.
-Clueless/and or just don't care enough/have no idea what sort of power an American really does haveThis is the one that bugs me the most. I wish we could get people here to understand that with global power come global responsibility. And not just the knee-jerk, treehugger, 'oh isn't that tragic' kind of way. The world is getting smaller as we speak, and we'd better get a clue.
-Absolutely nothing like my fellow Canadians.
Canadians always seemed like a nice bunch to me. I kind of wish they were a little less forgiving of the loud party going on to the south. Friends should be able to tell each other when they're doing something stupid without being afraid of retaliation.
-idealistic; big on things like family, country, freedom etc etc
I worry that these things are just becoming political buzz words instead of actual issues. Freedom should never be a buzz word.

Thanks for the response!


-looks better all the time.

9:04 PM  
Blogger earthkissed said...

Well, I'm a bit slow, this is an old post, but I'll put something down anyway. In Australia, George Bush is seen as a bit of a fool (but not necessarily more of a fool then our PM - John Howard). He says some pretty stupid things, in front of a lot of people. The war, well I'm not even going to go there (even though my government has). But my sister lived in America for a while, and she said they are some of the most generous people she has ever encountered.

3:59 AM  

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