Sunday, July 30, 2006


Okay, so I could go look this stuff up, but I'm feeling lazy (maybe the temp).
Those of you living down under, help me out please. First, should Down Under be capitalized or not?
Do you folks use the metric system?
What about your money? AU Dollars? How are you against others, like us(US, grin), Brit, EU, (if you know) up or down?
What's the hottest and coldest it gets where you are?
Is there any place in the country that gets enough snow to ski, downhill or cross country?
Here we have a lot of different accents and dialects, can you tell what part of your country people are from by listening?
Do you use decimal points in numbers or a comma like they do in Brazil?

I feel like I should know some of this stuff. I don't even know your latitude.
Where the hell is my atlas?



Blogger Rach said...

As far as i'm concered, Down Under should be capatized.
We use metric.
AU$ is correct
We are below all those mentioned currencies - US70c, Pound and EU - can't give figures, but definitly below.
In brisbane if it drops to below 15degrees everyone talks about how its the coldest they've been. In summer 40degrees is generally the max
You can downhill ski at a few places - Perisher (southern NSW) Mt Somewhere-or-other in victoria, maybe a couple of other places.
You can tell if people are from north queensland sometimes, and there are differnt idioms used, but not a huge diffence in accents per se (or I don't notice)
Hmmm commas or deciaml points... if i wanted to indicate thirty thousand and a half (for example) that would be 30,000.5 - if that clarifys things :)
I don't know our latitiude either, and I've lived here forever!
Hope that helps :)

3:35 AM  
Blogger Jade said...

I believe there are two very distinct accents...there's Steve Irwins, ('The Crocodile Hunter'), and mine.

4:43 PM  
Blogger pitfinder said...

I've learned a whole bnch of stuff, not the least of which is that Aussies are as friendly and helpful as I'd always thought. Many thanks to all, I'll try to drop by each of your blogs.

11:29 PM  
Blogger earthkissed said...

Damn, I'm just too slow to sound like I'm the smart one with all the answers. I was originally from North Queensland and when I moved further south, people thought I had an accent. In particular I said castle with the same sound as a has in apple. Most people say it with the round a of car. But as people have mentioned it is the slang that differs. There are words they would use in the southern states, that we have different words for in queensland. It is also the driving. People in Victoria can't drive. They have no idea what indicators are for or when to use them (ie - a good time to use them is when you want to veer into someone's lane - this is not something they are familiar with). Sometimes here in Melbourne I have ice on my windscreen in the morning, in these winter months, we've been having maximums of 18C. However, it still gets up to 40C in the summer. In 6 days I will be going downhill skiing here in Victoria about 3 - 4 hours from where I live. So it snows (although currently a lot of the snow is manmade - it's not been a good season). Rach and Becky are both friends of mine from Brisbane, and they're blogs are linked from my page:) (I will not give it a nose, I refuse) :)
I also whole heartedly agree with Jade. We do not speak like Steve Irwin, we don't have time to be that slow. However, if you would like to hear a good song taking the piss out of Steve, I recommend "crocodile hunter" by Tripod. Tripod is a group who used to do a weekly "1 hour" challenge on a radio station here. Basically they were given a theme, and some things they had to include in the song, and then an hour to write the song and perform it live on radio. On this particular day, they were supposed to write a themesong for the crocodile hunter movie. Solid gold.

2:22 AM  
Blogger pitfinder said...

By indicators, I assume you mean what we'd call turn signals. Even the cops here don't use those. (some of us do)

12:55 AM  

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