Wednesday, August 02, 2006

One More Time

We have one more day of the heat (they tell us) then we can have storms. Then cooler for a few days.

Note to self - I should be more careful when lifting heavy things over head.

Has anybody seen a Yaris in person? They look kind of cool on the commercial, but those can be deceptive sometimes (accidentally, I'm sure). :-)

A significant number of people in my country are so fat that they can't be accurately X-rayed.

Yeah, I know it's kind of random, I blame it on the late hour and the temp. Hopefully whan it cools a bit I'll start making more sense.



Blogger earthkissed said...

Oh, I love storms:) I don't know about the Yaris, I'm a toyota girl, but strictly hilux's. I'll stick to my white ute, until I can upgrade to a car that's exactly the same, but a 4WD.

In regards to the fat people. It seems unlikely the thing that they're being xrayed for is the thing that's going to kill them. Do you know when I was a student, the GP I was with used to get a patient to walk in, then before they could talk the GP would say to me "Look at this person and tell me what diseases they have" and in front of the person I would have to list all the diseases obese people get "hypertension, osteoarthritis, hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes etc" then at the end he'd get mad that I hadn't stated the obvious "obesity". But I didn't have the heart to say to someone that I'd barely even said hello to that they were obese. Everytime I did it, the patients would look amazed and say "he let you read my file didn't he", not really believing that I could tell by looking at them what diseases they had. It's so sad for them.

8:39 PM  
Blogger pitfinder said...

I'm always of two minds on this. Yeah, it's easy to feel badly for people this big, but I know a few and the ones I've had experience with have all done it to themselves and don't really want change even when it's offered/reccomended to them. Nobody pushed all that food into their mouths but them. (Yeah, I know there are a few people with genetic and gland disorders, but only a small percent in the US)

I guess I don't have all the answers after all.

11:04 PM  
Blogger pitfinder said...

Eeew, I am now. I hope they keep the thing clean. :-)

11:17 PM  

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