Saturday, September 27, 2008

"Woe Is Me"

Having some degree of intellect, it's hard to turn it off and pretend to be stupid. So I get sucked in every time. I have this friend who goes on about how horrible life is, how much it's self inflicted, and all that, but...if only.... And I try to make helpful, considered suggestions for overcoming that obstacle only to be confronted with another. So what it boils down to is that some people don't actually want to improve their troubled lives, they just want to use it to get you to listen and pony up with the sympathy. Apply, Lather, Rinse, Repeat. After a while it just gets kind of tedious, it's not going to get better and we both know it. So I'm kind of sitting in as an unqualified, unpaid psychotherapist.

Maybe I should just watch more movies.


Blogger earthkissed said...

In my family we have a term for these people. They are called VDPs (Very Draining People). We'd come home and somebody would say how was your day and we'd be like "it was full of VDPs" and somebody might give you a little backrub or make you a cup of tea. Sorry we can't give you a little shoulder rub or make you a cup of tea, but you can *imagine* that's what would happen if it were a physical possibility

6:10 AM  

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