Sunday, November 09, 2008

Daylight Stupid Time

Rach gave me permission to rant about this, so I went looking for ammo. There's lots. Never having been one to reinvent the wheel, or re-print stuff available elsewhere I'm just gonna post a couple links to get people started and then a few thoughts.

Wikipedia has a nice article.

Treehugger thinks it's a bad idea.

Here's another from the Green side.

I WILL reprint one thing I found particularly funny. It's a comment from the green article by a guy named "Greg".

"Why even have daylight savings and time zones? Phoenix has no DST, nor Hawaii, but I can drive over a state border to celebrate the new year again.

Let's all surrender to a 24-hr clock based off GMT, which shall be inaccurately named Universal Earth Time. Also, the US can usurp the metric system and rename it the UStric system so they can actually use it.

Then, when a steroids ball player crushes a 160kph fastball 150m on the west coast, people on the east coast will stay up til 5:00 UET to watch despite their 13:00 meeting."

Which brings up the utter stupidity of us not using the metric system even now. I won't go into a rant on that one right now, but it's STUPID. Really.

I guess where this lands is that about 80% of the people (in this country at least) are Idiots. Even many of the smart ones choose not to think critically or much further than the ends of their finger tips. I've had conversations with people who have a wall full of degrees and accolades who couldn't think their way out of a wet paper bag.

We keep calling ourselves "The Greatest Nation on Earth". Really? Think maybe it's time we started acting like it? Please?

(End rant)


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