Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mystery Visitor

Okay, normally I don't pester people who visit the blog to join in, it's just not everyone's style. Besides, sometimes when you do that, they get self-conscious at being noticed and go away. But curiosity is a powerful motivator.

So I have repeat visits from someone on IINET, with the same OS, the same browser, the same screen resolution, and sequential visit count from vastly different locations. Now I'm intrigued. The inbound link is always from the same blog, but from places as far apart as Queensland, Sydney, and Adelaide. On adjacent days, I might add. So somebody, or at least their computer, really covers some ground. If this sounds like you, give me some kind of a hint, okay? A comment would be cool. If that's not comfortable, you can find an e-mail address in my profile. Or if that seems like a big step, drop a hint to the owner of the blog you travel in from and let her pass it along.

Or you can just keep me twisting in suspense if that sounds like fun to you. I'm okay with it either way. :-)


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