Friday, May 09, 2008

Going Nowhere Fast

So I went to that fudraiser thing. They didn't have proper bills to make change so I paid more than it was supposed to cost. It's a good cause, right?

The woman - step forward, step back. Repeat. I could give you all the details and appeal to the ladies in the audience for some insight or interpretation, but I'm not sure I care that much.

In true guy fashion, when confronted with a thing that doesn't work right and the inability to figure out why, much less how to fix it, there is the temptation to break it beyond repair just to make it go away. But why bother?


Blogger earthkissed said...

Sorry it's not going so well. I guess you have to decide how much of your time it's worth.

7:47 PM  
Blogger gothcat said...

Scary .Break it,smash it grind it into dust and use it as fertiliser.Too much grey area,and grey areas are bad with a capital B.

7:25 PM  

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