Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Watch Them All! (if you have time)

I only wish I'd thought of this. (still laughing...)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Funny Pictures

I've always found this site fun. And this Contest is close to me line of work.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Friday, July 24, 2009

How Things Are

Some random stats from Harper's Index.

6 to 9 year old girls in America who wear lipstick or lip gloss: 46%

Total number of minutes Network TV news shows devoted to Afganistan during Obama's first 100 days: 62

Number of minutes devoted to Pirates off the horn of Africa in the same time: 104

U.S. newspapers with reporters covering Congress since 1985: down 72%

Chance that an American thinks "the Jews" were moderately or very much to blame for the financial crisis: 1 in 4 (idiots)


The moon landings were not faked.

Obama is a citizen.

9/11 was not a government plot.

Crop circles are not made by aliens.

The stuff you see in movies is FICTION.

I thin people here are getting more gullible and crazier by the day. I don't think having 24 hour news is helping. Have you seen the crap that qualifies as "breaking news" these days?

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."
==Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Thursday, July 23, 2009

NSFW - Language (but funny!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Looking Back

So I was watching songs on Youtube and thought I'd post one but it occurred to me that I might have posted it before, so I ran a quick search. Skimming through the stuff that came up lead to another search that I probably shouldn't have done. So now I have that nervous, sweaty feeling you get when it dawns on you you might have been an idiot. I know I'm not the only one who's ever done that and we should learn from our mistakes and move on, but it still has that effect when you actually have it in your face.

I'm not gonna delete any of it, because however silly it might look now, at least it was honest.

Monday, July 20, 2009

In Case

I can't remember if I ever posted this and I'm feeling too lazy to go look it up. So, go here and look at the site. Read the warning stuff on the second page and then click thru. Take you sense of humor with you, okay?

Hear That?

We have a restaurant chain over here called "Outback Steakhouse." One of their commercials was just on and they have a voice-over announcer who sounds Australian. But they make him say the names of dishes without the accent. Like "Dijon". It just seems a bit disingenuous to me. I suppose the average American wouldn't know the difference (or care). Oh well, the price one pays for being smart and knowledgeable. (shrugs)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Google Porn

So you put a word into Google and when the search results are up it has "related searches". Click one of those and see how fast it leads to porn. "Freaky" gets you there on the second search if you click the images tab. Anybody got a normal dictionary word that's faster?

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I totally swiped this picture from the nice (and very funny) folks over at Cake Wrecks but it was just too funny not to! Okay, it's WRONG, but funny! :-)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


How come people in this country aren't pissed off about the way the place is run? Why don't they complain about the fact that banks make more money from fees than from interest? Why don't they ever question all the strange fees and charges phone companies and utilities sneak into the bill?

Am I just getting old and cranky or are we letting it all slide? We rank way down the scale in almost every category among modern, civilized nations.

(end rant)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So what is it with people driving compact and sub-compact car that they feel the nees to swing their turns as wide as if they were driving a 65 foot semi truck? I mean WTF people.

I want a law that says I can put a big metal push cage on the front of my vehicle and be allowed to "nudge" people I see breaking the law. You know those jerks that can't seem to get it between the lines in parking lots? Nudge 'em until they're in. People who take a turn out of turn or pull out right in front of you? Nudge.

It could be a new trend. Citizen government in action!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Still Laughing

Friday, July 10, 2009

That Kind of Day

I don't remember exactly where on the web I found this pic, but some days are just like that, you know?


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Speaking of X Rays....

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sad Irony

It's sort of a strange irony that in the summer when I get the best TV reception, there's almost nothing on to watch. Re-run season is upon us again. Of course that better reception is allowing me to watch things I never have before. Some of it is just plain strange. Some of it is new incarnations of shows I thought died off years ago. (I think some of them did and should have stayed that way.)


Saturday, July 04, 2009

Gunpowder Day

It's officially Set Things on Fire and Hurt Yourself and Others With Explosives Day. Oh wait, I believe the official name is Independence Day. Maybe we could get the Federal Government to change the name to "Gunpowder Day". I mean they not only kept but lengthened daylight stupid time. And they let the Banksters walk free. They've made up holidays for all manner of strange things, let's just call this one what it is, okay?

Friday, July 03, 2009


Sorry for the brief absence, I did a system wide update the other day and it went fine until I started tinkering with the settings. Don't know exactly what I messed up but it took a while to fix it. It's all better now and I should be resuming the normally scheduled programming.
