Friday, May 29, 2009


Here's that picture from a few days ago that I promised. I think it's gonna leave a cool scar. I like the way it ends right at that other scar (it's from when I was a teenager, there was a dragging by a car accident). I thought about trying to count how many scars I have, but I kept losing count whenever I'd remember another one. So it's somewhere over 20 and we'll leave it at that.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


If you could have a magic wand and change things about your life, what would it be? And not the obvious stuff like saving people from terrible and unfair fates or curing diseases, the little stuff that you think could have gone better and would have resulted in a different life.

No, I haven't really got a list together yet, I just seem to be thinking about it today. Maybe my brain isn't getting enough exercise lately. I wonder if I should take it out for a walk or something.

And once you start thinking about the things you'd change, how do you know what ramifications those changes would have? How much of a risk would you be taking? Could you fix things with that wand if it didn't turn out the way you thought? Or is it better just to leave it alone and forge onward?

Mush! (and a whip-cracking noise)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So, one of the banks in my town failed, got seized by the feds, sold, and was back open for business in four days. I thought only organized crime was that efficient. Oh, wait.....


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Feeling Quotey - Movie Edition

"People shouldn't be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people."

"It's a trick, get an ax."

"If I owned this place and hell, I'd rent this place out and live in hell."

"It's wafer thin."

"Feed me a stray cat."

"I'll just go put these in some rubbing alcohol."

"Is that the best you can do, you pansies?"

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Easily Amused

Okay, I know it's not much but a fair number of things on TV are funnier if you start hearing the word "crap" in place of "craft" or "crafts".

Arts and crap.
Bring fun crap into your home.
Crap projects.

Like that.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Ever have something go wrong and you search and struggle to solve the problem for a while until you realize it was something simple all along?

Oh. That bit of software has it's own mute? And somehow it got clicked? Damn, I wish I'd figured that out half an hour ago. Sometimes the easy solutions should be tried first.

Which reminds me of a quote. Unfortunately, I can't remember the novel it came from and therefore, regrettably, can't give the author proper credit.

"Nitwit ideas are for emergencies. You use them when you've got nothing else to try. If they work, they go in the Book. Otherwise you follow the Book, which is largely a collection of nitwit ideas that worked."

Monday, May 18, 2009


Maybe it's just Monday, but it seems like life sucks more than usual. I think I'm having 'more' car trouble. See last post as well. A few more cuts and scrapes (nothing worth seeing). Just low grade crappy.

Hope the rest of you are having better days.

(maybe it has something to do with being short on sleep)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Self Inflicted Dope-Slap

Somebody accused me of being pissed off at them tonight. I wasn't really. It seemed a little unnecessary to throw water on my phone and the TV remote even if it was meant in fun (sort of). Nothing was damaged, no harm, no foul. I got home and discovered I am a little annoyed, but the only person I ever stay mad at for any length of time is me. I'm annoyed at me for being surprised, for thinking this woman was more grown up than that when I knew otherwise already. People are what they are, not what we expect them to be. I, of all people, should know that more firmly than I seem to by now. (self inflicted dope-slap)

The knee is healing nicely and looks like it will leave a nice purple scar. I'll take a picture in a day or two when the rest of the scab is gone.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


So life is kind of boring here lately. The university had final exams this week so people are leaving town like lemmings. Okay, it keeps rolling through with thunderstorms every other day, but that's kind of normal for here so it's not very exciting.

What's everybody else doing?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Best. Job. EVER.

I know I've said this before, but the folks on Mythbusters have the freakin' best job anywhere. Where else could you get paid to build a 600 pound rubber moose and crash cars into it? Or find out just how big a fireball you can make with 700 pounds of non-dairy creamer? And I won't even TRY to list all the stuff they've blown up.

Anybody wanna fire frozen chickens out of an air cannon?
Or a big piece of steel chain out of a regular cannon?

Too bad this stuff is way too expensive as a hobby. :-(


Sunday, May 10, 2009


This was a few days ago when I whined about it not healing and oozing stuff.

This is today, drier, crustier, seems to be getting there. Yes, I did try to stick a butterfly on it, but it didn't really hold tight when I bent the knee.

You Asked For It.

I have these pictures in much higher resolution for the truly morbid of you. :-)

Thursday, May 07, 2009


Okay, so I accidentally put a hole in my knee. Not the bones or anything, just the skin. I don't think it even went all the way through. It bled pretty freely when I first did it, but once I got it stopped (didn't take much) it hasn't bled since. But it does seem to be taking it's time healing. Maybe I will put a couple butterfly bandages over it, kind of pull it back together, and see what happens.

Maybe I'm just impatient. Dunno. Doesn't really hurt.
On further inspection, it doesn't seem like it wants to move much, so maybe I'll just keep it clean and covered.

Oh, it was that stainless steel thing.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Why do they can't seem to...ahh....put a do you call together or six....oh....minutes to thought that kind of doesn' up in quite the.....same place that it go originally....speak on that thing, what do you call it, TV?

I start to understand why Elvis shot his TV.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Ever feel like you're tired and bored with your life but even if somebody let you use a magic wand you couldn't figure out what to change?

Or is that just me?


Maybe it's just the weather. Or something. (scratches head, shrugs)